Sunsets 1
New Age/ Classical Contemporary Album for Piano, Violin and Cello
«SUNSETS 1» ... Gabriele Saro's «Sunsets», which seems to take all areas of the piano keyboard by surprise, arouse the wonderful, hearty singing of each day when it dips into the evening buds ... always different song for agogenic, dynamic, color. The amazing performance of Andrea Del Piccolo, of the rich piano fabric, highlights skies that await, deep colors that a seraphic disorder brings together, adamantine lights that fleetingly silence the rhythm of footsteps, waves, restless murmurs. When next to Del Piccolo "the beneficial beat" of Andrea Toffolini comes down, every impurity disappears and we can continue to travel in the bosom of moments that abound in the purity of a rare peace in this world that has so much space. Voluptuous music in which the knotted suggestiveness of Francesco Pinosa's cello and the violin with the changing "movements" of Gabriele Saro seem ... playing hide and seek behind timeless hues: they are eager to eternalize the face of the world, they want to reach the open eyes of more beautiful dreams to prevent us from turning off the light of our journey in our hearts. Gabriele, how did you manage to enclose such intermittent paradigms in time that can unite us all ... in this "Tramonti" itinerary?
The sonic relationships, the elegant and modeled phrasing, the narrative gait of the piano, the excellent harmony between musicians who know how to obtain the right colors, make unexpected and unknown flowers bloom in "SUNSETS 1", swollen with a rapid scent ... worldly ...: through them we will walk, forgetting any effort, and from "sunset to sunset" we will catch them one by one.
(Claudio Gardenal)